Thursday, 11 June 2015

May practice sheets are due by tomorrow. If you want to get credit for your May practice time, please get yours signed and in. 

Tonight is our year end band and choir concert. The jazz band is to come through the usual morning practice door by 6:15pm. The choir and all other band members are to be at the school by 6:30pm and are to come in the front doors. Once in, students are to get their instrument and music and head to the gym. Donations will be accepted at the door for the Thaddeus Lake Music Foundation, so bring a loonie or toonie if you’d like to contribute. It is going to be a great night of music, so come on out if you would like to hear some fantastic musicians play! 

The talent show MC’s and Bandit crew are reminded to come to the music room at 12:05 today for your lunch with Mrs. Baron.

 Choir members, and their choir buddies, are reminded that tomorrow is the last day to hand in the Telus Field permission forms. Final numbers have to be submitted, so late forms cannot be accepted. 

Last Pokemon Club of the year is today after school. Be there or be square. 

Yearbook orders are due tomorrow. $30 for a colour yearbook. This is your last chance to capture this moment in time. Mr. Slade has even said that he will sign any one's yearbook if they ask.

 Mrs. Baron’s Active Living class will be staying at school tomorrow for your regular class time. 

Sweep kids come and pick up your finished projects