Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Any students wishing to find out more about SWAT (student wellness action team) are invited to meet on Thursday in room 122 during the lunch recess.

Choir practices start today. Anyone who signed up or would like to join is invited to come to the music room at 12:14 with your lunch.

Senior Jazz will start tomorrow at 7:30. Junior Jazz  will start Thursday at 7:30. Mrs. Baron will be at the school by 7am on both days if any students need to be dropped off early.

Grade 7 band members are reminded to hand in their Camp Evergreen forms. They can be dropped off today at lunch or after school.

Thanks to Mrs. Baron’s grade 9 option class for doing the paper recycling and pop/juice container clean-up yesterday. This will be done on a weekly basis this year. There are a couple reminders for teachers and students regarding this;
Can teachers please make sure your class number is written on both containers with a sharpie? This will help students get the bins back to the correct class after emptying.
Can students please empty out their juice boxes or other drink containers before dropping them in the green bin? This will help with cleaning, as well as keep them from smelling so bad and attracting bugs!

Run for the Cure participants - the shirts are in!  Please see Mr. Slade at 12:34 to get yours.  If you have not seen Mr. Slade for your permission form, see him ASAP!

Hot Lunch deadline is fast approaching. Information letters were emailed home to your parents.
Junior Boys volleyball- reminder that there is No game tonight at Dansereau, we will practice Wednesday after school.

All Students who will be running tomorrow at the LDAA cross-country race in Wetaskiwin- there is an important meeting at 1230 in M. Morin’s room - 124

Flex update - the link is not available yet.  Please be patient, we will you know once it is available and your teachers will walk you through the sign up.

JR Girls Volleyball team meet in the front lobby at 3:05 ready to go to Dansereau Meadows.