Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Only two days left to sign up for the Run for the Cure team!

Important FLEX reminders - if you are signing up for a course that takes more than one block you must sign up for that session in each form.  Tie Dye for example you need to sign up for block 3, block 4 and block 5.  If you are not sure if the session you are choosing runs for more than one block check the session description spreadsheet on the school website.
Also, enter your name and homeroom carefully to make sure you get the selections you want.

Lost - A student’s lock for their locker went missing at the end of the day on Monday. If you know where it is, please return it to the office.
Found - a pair of prescription eyeglasses, come to the office to claim

Senior Boys Volleyball practice today after school.

Grade 8 & 9 band members are reminded to return their trip forms to Mrs. Baron by tomorrow please

Jazz band and choir sign up sheets are up in the music room.

Girls Volleyball tryout tonight after school.

Terry Fox during period 4 & 5

Emergency Evacuation, period 3.