Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Band members are reminded that September practice is now due.

Junior jazz band for Grade 7’s is tomorrow morning at 7:30am

Choir is Friday at 12:14

Mrs. Baron would like to see all the students going to Camp Evergreen during the morning break.

This is to sign up for rooms and activities, so please remember to come. If you don’t Mrs. Baron will assign your room and activity group.

Congratulations to the Jr Premier boys & girls volleyball teams for both winning 4 out of 5 games against Clear Vista. Great teamwork Sabres!

If you gave your name to be on the French Band can you make sure to go have a look at your e-mail and answer the questions that Mme LaBrie asked by Friday. Merci.

Assembly today during Period 3 10:11-10:52

Early dismissal today at 2:17pm

Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams are playing League Games tomorrow at home.