Junior Premier boys & Jr. development volleyball practice at lunch today.
Senior Boys Volleyball Practice after school. JR Girls Volleyball Practice today after school.
Today is World Teachers`Day. We thank each of our teachers for their dedication to ongoing learning and student support. Students, please make sure to thank your teachers today!
A big thank you goes out to all students who participated in The Run for the Cure. It was a great time raising money and awareness for breast cancer with 9000 other people! Our team, the Sabres Squad raised over $3000!
A reminder that all boys PE classes will be outside for the next two weeks. Please bring a hoodie to class.
Any Jr. Development volleyball players that have not yet paid for their t-shirt need to get their money in to Mr. Mistol by the end of today.
Today is the first milk Monday of this school year. Chocolate and white milk will be sold in the hall by the music room over the lunch hour, so bring a loonie and come get a milk.
The Music room will be open for practice today
Junior jazz band is Wednesday morning at 7:30am
Senior jazz band is Thursday morning at 7:30am
Choir will be taking place on Friday this week, not Tuesday
Any students that returned their forms to go scuba diving during FLEX time on Oct. 14th must come to the music room tomorrow at lunch to watch the Discover Scuba video. Please bring your lunch to the music room at the 12:14 bell. Remember, this is a mandatory meeting for all students that signed up, so please make a note of it. If you do not come to watch the video, you will not be allowed to dive on Oct. 14th. And there is only one spot left for the Oct. 14th date. If you have your form, bring to Mrs. Baron please