SWAT will be meeting TODAY in Room 122 at 12:14. Please bring your lunch with you.
With the damp weather that is now here, and with snow a sure arrival soon, students are reminded to have an indoor pair of shoes. Please take off your outdoor footwear at your entrance door. We take pride in our school facility and ask that everyone respect this expectation and cooperate. Thank you.
Junior boys and Junior girls volleyball game tonight, come cheer on your Sabres!
French Band Grade 8-9: Practice after school today
French Band Grade 7: Practice after school tomorrow
Chocolate milk will be available for purchase at a cost of $1 over the lunch hour today. Milk will be sold at the front of the school, along with Pizza Tuesday, some come on down to get your pizza and drink!
Music room practices this week are;
today - Choir at 12:14.so bring your lunch to the band room at the 12:14 bell.
Tomorrow - senior jazz band at 7:30am
Thursday - junior jazz band at 7:30am
Friday- open band practice at lunch
There will be a meeting for Ms. Jensen’s Drama Production for Remembrance Day at lunch in room 105. Please do not be late - we will start rehearsing right at 12:34
Reminder there is no FLEX this week. Sign up for Nov 18th will be available in a week or so