WEM Waterpark field trip forms were emailed home to parents last week and are due back no later than Friday, Nov 06. Extra copies are available in the office. if you do not have yours.
There were so many cupcakes and goodies brought by the band members last week that there will be another sale again today in the front foyer. All items will be 2 for $1.00. Band members are needed to help out, so see Mrs. Baron at the morning break if you would like to volunteer.
It is also Milk Monday, as it is every Monday, so if you would like to buy a chocolate milk, come to the front as well with your loonie, toonie or 5 dollar bill. Any not sold today will be available during the lunch hour over the week.
Music room practices this week are as follows;
Today - open band practice
Tuesday - Choir
Wed - Senior jazz at 7:30am
Thurs - Jr. jazz at 7:30am
Friday - choir practice, if needed to prepare for Remembrance Day
October band practice sheets are now being accepted
Band students going to Ottawa are reminded that there will be a trip meeting tonight at 7pm. Please remind your parents.
Vimy Ridge - Grade 9 forms to be handed in by November 10.
PIZZA TUESDAY!!!! Bigger slices, lower prices!
Girls had a good tournament on Friday, M.Morin is proud of you.
There will be a practice today after-school for the JR Girls.
French Band Grade 8-9: Practice tomorrow after school
Mrs Dorash’s Gr 9 girls PE please meet in rm 101 changed for class today.
Jr. Premier Boys - please meet in the gym for a short practice at 12:25, eat your lunch first.
Just a reminder there is no FLEX this week due to assembly and homeroom blocks and next week due to fall break. We will announce when sign up is ready for Nov 18th
Developmental volleyball practice at 12:14