Sabre Movie Night - this Friday, come out and watch “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, doors open at 6:30 movie starts at 7:00
Hot lunch orders are due next Wednesday!
Backstage and Tech meeting today during the second half of lunch for anyone interested in helping with set, costumes, props, or makeup for our production of Hoodie. Please meet in the Drama room at 12: 34.
FLEX - please make sure that you have checked the lists that are posted in your homeroom. There were quite a few changes due to problems with the forms. You may not be in the session you requested.
9EF French Immersion students, please meet in the science lab for FLEX period 4
Senior Girls basketball team: please meet in the student lounge for lunch at 12:14 with your uniforms and warm ups.
Reminder to gr. 9 foods students to get their activity package #3 in to Mrs. Nessel before lunch today.
Jasper ski trip participants. - Please forward your pictures to Mr. Slade and Mrs. Kay for the yearbook.
Jazz band members are reminded that there will be a combined jazz band practice tomorrow morning at 7:30am. This is an important festival practice, so all junior and senior jazz band members must attend.
A reminder that Feb practice sheets are due by Monday, March 21st
And a reminder of band 8/9 combined practice FLEX period 3 today
All Leduc Music festival choir and band participants are reminded to pick up a permission form from Mrs. Baron. They are due by next Wednesday, March 23rd, so be sure to return yours by then.
Student lounge - 8ABC
A new record has been set and JEL for our Pi Day competition. Holly Aherne has shattered last year’s mark for the most digits of pi and ALMOST knew as many as Mr. Slade with 250 digits! Holy Holly, well done! Your prize is coming!
7AE girls PE please meet at the music room for class.
Found - if you are missing your house key, please come to the office
Also, there are three pair of skates, gloves & elbow pads -
Badminton practice for all intermediates at lunch today, seniors are after school.