Junior badminton practice after school.
Can the premier boys basketball team please meet in the gym during the break to sign their banner!
Music room practices are as follows this week;
Today - Choir at 12:14
Thursday - Combined jazz band at 7:30am
Friday - open band and Leduc Music Festival practice at 12:14
February practice sheets are due by Monday, March 21st
And a reminder to the grade 8 & 9 bands that FLEX period 3 tomorrow is your combined festival practice. This is a must attend for all grade 8 & 9 band members, so please be sure to have your instrument at school tomorrow
Would all Leduc Music festival choir and band participants pick up a permission form from Mrs. Baron today at lunch. They will be just inside the music room door on a music stand, so you can just pop in and get it and go. The permission forms are due by next Wednesday, March 23rd, so be sure to pick yours up today.
Reminder to all Cast of Hoodie that we have our first rehearsal after school today. This is a mandatory rehearsal for all actors as you will be getting parent forms and scripts.
There will also be a Tech Meeting for anyone interested in helping backstage for the play tomorrow at lunch in room 105. This includes anyone interested in set design, makeup, costumes, props, or any other technology.
Please sign up for FLEX if you have not already done so.
9BD - girls and boys will be in the gym today period 6. Bring your racquets.
Senior girls basketball - reminder we will be having lunch together tomorrow. You need to hand in your uniforms and practice jerseys to get a treat!
Reminder to 8AD girls Phys Ed - please get changed and meet in room 123