Monday, 9 May 2016

There will be a short meeting for any of the Grade 9 students going to Ottawa at the morning break today. Please come to the band room RIGHT AFTER period 2!

Mrs. Baron is also looking for some zipline and caving forms, so if you have yours, please bring it to her right now please.

Grade 9 Bake Sale for the Jasper Trip will be on Thursday this week.  Bring your loonies and toonies to help raise money for the camping trip. Reminder to students in 9A, 9B, and 9C to bring in items on Thursday.

There will not be any music room practices this week, as Mrs. Baron will be away with the band students.

Last call for anyone interested in auditioning for the talent show, as well as anyone interested in going scuba diving during June FLEX. Please see Mrs. Baron today if you are interested in either of these activities.

A jar is ready and available for any students and staff interested in donating to assist those people displaced as a result of the fire in Fort McMurray.  All are encouraged to donate even a little bit!!

Reminder to students signed up for tie dye during FLEX this week. You must bring in a clean white t-shirt or pillow case, preferrably cotton, to tie dye. Students that show up with out an item to dye will be assigned to another session.

What type of person doens’t like pizza………..a weirDOUGH!!
Pizza Tuesday tomorrow!!

Track: Long Jump tryouts today - meet at the pits at 12:15. Tomorrow will be girls high jump practice.  Long Jump lists will be posted by break this morning.

FLEX: PLease sign up by the end of the day for sessions on Wednesday.  Homeroom teachers please check your lists.