Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Tomorrow is the Grade 9 Bake Sale for the Jasper Trip.  Reminder to students in 9A, 9B, and 9C to bring in items.  Happy baking!

Reminder to gr. 8 and 9 students to bring in a container for Thursday for your cooking lab.

Thank you to everyone so far who has donated money to support those who have needed to flee Fort McMurray.  Anyone can continue to drop off their donations in the jar in the main office.  All money raised will be given to the Red Cross.

Students, please remember to record which sessions and rooms for each session you are attending for Flex today.  The sessions are not always in the same room each block, so it is important that you check and record this so you remember exactly where to go for each session. Homeroom teachers, please remind your students to do this this morning.

If you signed up for slo-pitch or track and field practice during flex, please meet in the gym for attendance before going outside.

There were several shoes pulled out of garbage cans yesterday.  Please do not throw other student’s belongings into the garbage.  Not only is this affecting the student who spends time looking for his/her belongings but there is also time and effort on the part of parents, teachers and office staff who also help locate these lost belongings, not to mention the expense of replacing items.