Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Any track and field athletes that have not handed in their uniforms need to do so immediately.

Girls attending Senior volleyball tryouts today after school, please be advised that you must be changed, and both nets set up for a 3:15pm start. Sign up sheets will be located on the whiteboard in the gym tomorrow

Attention Choir and Jazz Band members. There are just TWO more
practices this year;
Today - choir at 12:14
Sr. AND Jr. Jazz - tomorrow at 7:30

The Year End Band and Choir concert is this Thursday at 7pm. Students performing that night are to be at the school by 6:30pm, dressed in flip flops, shorts & tank tops or a light summer dress. Admission to the concert is free, but donations will be accepted at the door for the Thaddeus Lake Music Foundation.

Students going scuba diving during FLEX tomorrow are to meet in the band room at 10:02. The bus needs to LEAVE by 10:10am, so Mrs. Baron will be taking attendance at about 10:07. You do not need to bring your lunch, just your swimsuit and towel.

Mrs. Baron needs to hear from the band students that are willing to come help with the Instrument Zoo tonight. This is a time for the new students coming to play in the Grade 7 band next year to try out all the instruments. It starts at 6:30pm and will run about an hour. If you are willing to help with an instrument station, please let Mrs. Baron know at lunch! Helpers are needed for flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, baritone and tuba. This is a great opportunity for those of you who need volunteer hours, so see Mrs. Baron over lunch if you can make it!

Any boys interested in playing volleyball in the fall, please meet in the gym at 12:34.