There will be a talent show practice in the gym today for ALL performers over the lunch hour. Please meet Mrs. Baron in the gym at 12:14 with your lunch. Classes coming to watch will be called down to the gym by1pm with the show running the entire afternoon. Good luck performers!
The year end band and choir concert is coming up next Thursday, June 9th, so practices will resume this week to prepare for that concert
Tomorrow - junior jazz at 7:30
There will be a meeting for the scuba diving FLEX students this Friday at 12:14. Please come to the band room with your lunch right after the bell. You will eat in the band room, not your homeroom.
If any students still have a permission form to hand in for this trip, please get it to Mrs. Baron by today!
Grade 7 & 8 band members are reminded to hand in their blue NATIONALS commitment interest letter to Mrs. Baron by June 15th.
Today is the last day to order yearbooks online thru PowerSchool!
Girls interested in Senior Girls’ volleyball - there was an email sent out to parents regarding June tryouts. These June tryouts will begin on Tuesday, June 7th after school until 4:30. The full schedule will be posted on the athletics board. Please see Mme Stewart or Mrs. Kay if you have any questions. Grade 9 Senior Volleyball players are welcome to join us -- we would appreciate the help!
Mr. Slade will accept grade 9 farewell photos until 4:00 today. Please get them in!
Leduc Tigers Basketball Camp - info in the office
Reminder to gr.8 and 9 foods students to bring in containers tomorrow for their food.
All athletes going to zones need to have their permission slips and payment in to Mr. Mistol today!
Mr. Slade will accept grade 9 farewell photos until 4:00 today. Please get them in! AGAIN Thanks!
Assembly & Merit Awards at 10:15
Early Dismissal
Talent Show at 1pm today
Grade 9 Farewell Thursday night 6:30-8:00pm.