Friday, 25 November 2016

Boys basketball tryouts will begin next week.  Tues and Thurs at 3:10, all boys from grades 7 through 9 are welcome.  There will be a meeting today at 12:34 in the gym for all interested.  See Mr. Slade, Mr. Mistol, or Mrs. Dorash if you have questions.

8BC and 7BC girls Phys. Ed classes are at the rink today.

FLEX sign up today: grade 9’s block 1 and 2, grade 7’s” block 3 or later.
Please sign up carefully as you will not be permitted to make changes next week! Grade 8 do not sign up as you are attending "A Christmas Carol" that day

Student Lounge - grade 7

Today, like every Friday, is Dress Down to Build Others Up for staff.

GSA will meet today in rm 122. Please bring your lunch.

Girls basketball tryouts also begin next week. Monday and Wednesday after school. Meet in the gym at 12:34 today as well if you're interested. See Mlle Lawrence or Mr. Raymond.

Purdy’s final day to order. Support the Gr. 9 Gr. 9 Year end Jasper field trip.

Waterpolo flex option - Nov. 30, if your child wishes to participate log into PowerSchool to complete permission form and payment