Monday, 21 November 2016

Drama 8 students please remember to come to class with your costumes for your dress rehearsal

Drama 7 Students please meet in Miss Jensen’s classroom, room 117, for class today

The book fair reorders are ready to be picked up in the library.  Thank you to everyone who came out to support the book fair!

PE 7AD girls are to meet in the back boot room by the girls change room with their skates and helmet for class today. If you forgot your skates, make sure you bring a CLEAN pair of shoes. There are also extra helmets in the gym equipment room if you need.

Jazz band practice tomorrow at 7:30am

All boys PE will be in the gym for the next two weeks.

Pizza Tuesday!

Please sign up for FLEX today. Homeroom teachers please check your homeroom lists as we have many students missing!

SWAT will meet in room 122 during the lunch recess today at 12:35.

Purdy's Gr. 9 Jasper trip fundraising orders are due Friday, just in time for Christmas