Monday, 6 March 2017

FLEX - if you have not signed, please do so right away!
Homeroom teachers please check your lists

Grade 9 girls and grade 8 intermediate girls badminton tryouts are at 12:15pm today.  Bring your lunch to the gym.
-Grade 7 and grade 8 junior boys badminton try-outs are at lunch tomorrow.
-Grade 9 boys badminton try-outs will be after school tomorrow,

Mr. Mistol’s grade 8 option A class will be at the arena for class.

Grade 9 Option A - we still have 5 spots available in the Sports option.  Please email Mr Helgren or see him if you are interested.

Ski club - we will be monitoring the windchill and will advise closer to the end of the day

Jasper Ski Trip Participants - Important meeting today at 12:34 in the Home ec room. Everyone must attend as Mrs. Nessel needs information from everyone for the trip.

Home ec students - This is the last week of term 2 , so please sign up for Sewing project completion during FLEX if you have not completed your textiles project. If you can’t get in please talk to Mrs, Nessel.

Music room practices this week;
Today at lunch - open band
Thursday morning - jazz band
Thursday lunch - choir
Friday lunch - open band

Junior boys basketball practice tomorrow at 7:10!

Hot lunch is now open log on to to order

Junior girls basketball practice after school today

Pizza Tuesday has been cancelled for tomorrow!!