Set committee: we meet today after school at 3:15pm
The first cuts for Grade 7’s and 8’s are up on the athletic board in the gym. Try-outs for grade 8 Intermediate boys continue today at 12:15pm. Please see the athletic board if you are on the list. Grade 9 tryouts will begin next week.
FLEX sign up this morning due to PD day tomorrow:
grade 9 block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 block 5 or later.
Reminders: do not sign up if you are in Drama 8, preparing the grade 9 LipDub with M Morin, doing grade 7 construction with Mr.Helgren, doing block 3 friendship club with Candice and 9B block 5 your class will be doing Math Riddles and Problem Solving so you do not need to sign up.
Hats and hoodies - not to be worn in the school
Just a reminder that when the lunch bell goes you are expected to get your lunch and then remain in your homeroom until the recess bell goes, grade 9’s if you are leaving you need to do so quickly.
Brain Bingo!!! Get your cards from your homeroom teacher or the bulletin board near the staff room door!
Jasper Ski Club meeting at 12:14 in the T, Ed. lab
Junior Boys Basketball - don’t forget we play first tonight, please be in the gym right after the 3:02 bell.
Veggie joke: Why did the Tomato go out with a prune?
Because he couldn’t find a date!