The home ec room is open until 4:15 pm every day except Fridays for any student that would like to work on projects.
All students involved with the school play (actors and crew), please come to Mrs. DeBoer’s class for a quick meeting right after these announcements.
The gym is not available for PE today. Please do not change for class. Meet in the front foyer before heading outside.
Band concert tonight! Doors open at 6:30. concert starts at 7
Talent show practice today at lunch for all performers today at 12:15
Flex - grade 8- block 1 and 2, grade 7 and any grade 9’s that are staying behind behind block 3 and 4.
Starting next week, Tuesday and Thursday June 13 and 15, we will be holding volleyball clinics and preliminary evaluations for any grade 7&8 boys and girls interested. If you enjoy the sport and would like to come and learn, or are wanting to try out for a team, please come to these clinics after school from 3:15 to approximately 4:30. These are the start dates, there will be more dates to follow. If you would like to be there but cannot make 1 or 2, please speak to Mme Stewart or Mrs. Duru.