Monday, 26 June 2017

There are still 11 instruments in the band room that need to go home! There are 4 bass guitars, 1 alto sax, 1 tenor sax, 1 accordion, 1 trombone, 2 trumpets and 1 clarinet. The school does not return instruments, so please come and pick up your instrument if you haven’t taken it home yet.

There are also 11 band books still not returned. Please get yours back to Mrs. Baron before Wednesday or you will be charged on Powerschool.

Option forms are due back today - teachers please hand in as a class set.

Boot rooms and lost and found. Any items not claimed by Wednesday will be donated. Please take a minute and check.

A pair of tent poles from Jasper are in the office.

Teachers, if you have any documents for shredding, please bring to the office.

Library Books are due now! Any library books not returned will be marked lost and the fine will be added to your Powerschool!!