Thursday, 10 May 2018

If there are any grade 7 students interested in going to Coloniale to try out for long jump or triple jump next week during FLEX please see Mrs Dorash or Mr Mistol and do not sign up for FLEX next week for either block.

Pride Alliance GSA will be meeting tomorrow in Ms Gervais’ room at lunch. Everyone is most welcome to attend.

FLEX sign up for Friday: Grade 8’s block 1 or 2, grade 7’s block 3 or 4.  Reminder to grade 9’s you will not be signing up. 

Talent show auditions continue and finish up today. Anyone left to audition should meet in the gym at 12:26 with your lunch. Thanks to everyone who came out to auditions. The list of performers will be posted next week.

Active living students are reminded to hand in their gym waiver forms to Mrs. Baron by today if you are interested in going on the field trip next week. If you handed in your form already, please make sure your parent signs the online permission form on Powerschool.

Complementary Course selections were emailed home to parents, please complete by May 14.

Parents are asked to complete the 18/19 Student Enrollment Verification form in the parent Powerschool portal.