Friday, 25 May 2018

Reminder to Gr. 8 Home ec students to NOT sign up for flex next week .

Wellness 7 students, please got to Ms. Gervais’ room for Option B today.

ABSOLUTELY LAST CALL FOR grade nine pictures for the farewell!

ALL Grade 8 & 9 students going on the band trip next week, must come to the band room RIGHT NOW. French Immersion students, please see Mrs. Baron before you leave!

Also, remember to get your homework for next week, take your instrument & music home today and be ready to board the bus at 5:45am on Monday morning. The bus MUST leave at 6am, so do not be late!

Lastly, there will be a band trip meeting in the band room today at 12:45.

FLEX Update… the form will not be ready for sign up until lunch. sign up order stays the same: Grade 9: lunch, Grade 8: block 5, grade 7: block 6 or later.

Track athletes that have qualified for zones there will be practice time available block 3 for running and throwing events and block 4 will be available for jumping practice at the pits.  Please sign up accordingly.  Questions - see Mr Mistol or Mrs Dorash. 

As with all Fridays, today is Dress Down to Build Others Up for staff, where we dress more casually and donate money to others who are less fortunate.  The donation jar is in the main office.

Pride Alliance GSA will meet for lunch today in room 122. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Grade nine students attending the Summer School Phys. Ed and CALM (as per Ms. Gervais’ invite and registration) please do not sign up for FLEX block 4. You will be meeting in Ms. Gervais’ room at that time for some very important information.