Thursday, 9 May 2019

GSA will meet during lunch today in the Science lab

Me to WE will be meeting tomorrow at 12:26 in the Science lab. This is an important planning meeting so please do your best to attend. Please bring your lunch.

Any grade nine music students willing to perform at the Farewell, please see Mr. Slade.
Grade 9 group picture at 1:15.

Leduc Ti Cats football - Any grade 8 and 9 students interested, there is an info sheet in the office.

TRACK: 800 m  and shot put finals today at 12:26  meet in the gym! See the athletics board if you are unsure if you have qualified. 

FLEX - if you were unable to attend the track long jump and triple jump tryouts yesterday, please see Mr. Mistol or Mrs Dorash to have your name added to next weeks practice during FLEX.

FLEX sign up tomorrow: gr 9’s do not sign up.  Grade 7 block 1 or 2, grade 8 break or later. 

Mr. Slade is not sending reminders for farewell pictures anymore.

Would Mr. Slade’s Dig Cit class please meet in Mr. Eidick’s class - room 203

M Morin’s grade 7 Option please report to the gym for period 1

Grade 9 ELA PAT - please be quiet in the hallways