Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Student Gathering - grade 9

Pizza Tuesday!!

Grade nines - Mr. Slade’s class only needs one more farewell pic handed in and they win ice cream sandwiches.  9B needs five, 9C needs 5, 9D needs 6, 9E needs 3, and 9F needs 5.  9E looks likes it will be the run away winner with everyone that has submitted recreating their pictures, so far!

PLEASE get your pics in to Mr. Slade as soon as possible so he can get the slide show started!

TRACK : Javelin tryouts today at 12:26  please meet in the gym quickly ready to head to Central Park.  If you are not on the list, and would still like to try-out, please meet in the gym.

100 m finals will be tomorrow - please see the lists posted outside the gym if you are not sure if you have qualified for either event.  We have moved the 800m finals to Thursday. 

FLEX - if you have not signed up please do so right now!

Lip Dub test run day is tomorrow.  Would all grade nines meet in the gym for the first period of Flex so attendance can be taken.

Grade 9 PAT FLA this morning