Thursday, 21 November 2019

Reminder staff vs students volleyball game tomorrow at lunch! Get your pom poms ready.  Go teachers!

Grade 8 & 9’s have extra band rehearsal today at 12:30. Bring your lunch and your instrument.

Found - A pair of earrings, please come to the office

Basketball tryout lists are on the athletic board outside the gym. Tryouts begin next Monday. Listen to announcements for tryout times.

Comic Book Fair will be here in 7 days! Comics, Graphic Novels, & Manga available. Cash and Debit accepted

Flex sign up for tomorrow : Grade 7: block 1 and 2, Grade 8 Block 3 or 4, Grade 9: Lunch or later

Every student should be signed up for FLEX this week, if you are in an alternate support session such as ceramics, math support or yearbook, please choose alternate support on the form. 

Student Gathering - grade 7