Friday, 22 November 2019

Staff-vs-Students Volleyball game today at 12:45! Come on down to the gym to cheer the teachers on!

Flex sign up: Grade 7: block 1 and 2, Grade 8 Block 3 or 4, Grade 9: Lunch or later.

Every student should be signed up for FLEX this week, if you are in an alternate support session such as ceramics, math support or yearbook, please choose alternate support on the form. 

Junior Boys volleyball - pizza wrap up Monday at lunch - bring your jersey….get pizza

Comic Book Fair will be here in 6 days! Comics, Graphic Novels, & Manga available. Cash and Debit accepted

Yearbook cover entries are due to Mrs. Buzak today.

A huge congratulations goes out to the Senior ladies’ volleyball team. Finishing 1st in the league, top 3 in tournaments against top Edmonton schools and finally last night for the big win against Riverview for the gold and the banner! Excellent season girls! There will be a brief meeting in Mme Stewart’s room at the break.