Friday, 17 January 2020

Mr. Slade’s Digital Citizenship class - please get your permission forms in ASAP.

Our next Me to WE meeting will be held in Block 3 of next week’s FLEX. If you are a regular attendee of Me to WE, and can attend next week’s meeting, please sign up.

District girls basketball please meet in the ancillary room right after the lunch bell for practice, you can bring your lunch.

FLEX sign up - Grade 9 block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 lunch or later. 8D do no sign up for block 4 as you have a sci lab

Yearbook kids please choose alternate support for block 3.

 LipDub kids choose alternate support for block 4.

 **Grade 7’s you can only sign up for one of the two badminton sessions!!!

Today is Baggy Sweat Pant day, Pajama day, Jersey day, Hat day , Plaid day -...we made it through this very cold week!

District boys and junior girls basket ball practice is cancelled after school today.