Thursday, 16 January 2020

This is Mr. Slade’s first call for grade nine farewell pictures.  Grade nine students - please remember to recreate a picture from your youth and email both pictures to Mr. Slade, at your earliest convenience.  Deadline is April 17.

Mr. Slade’s Digital Citizenship class - please get your permission forms in ASAP.

Senior Boys basketball - please meet in the student gathering lounge after school.

A cast list for this year’s school play has been posted outside the drama room. All actors: please meet in the drama room at lunch today for a meeting. You can bring your lunches with you. Our first rehearsal will be next Monday after school.

Our next Me to WE meeting will be held in Block 3 of next week’s FLEX. If you are a regular attendee of Me to WE, and can attend next week’s meeting, please sign up.
Student Gathering - Grade 9

Would the students that helped Mrs. Nessel in the Home Ec lab yesterday during FLEX please drop by the office during break.

What day is it tomorrow? Baggy Sweat Pant day, Pajama day, Jersey day, Hat day , Plaid day - let’s get comfortable...we made it through this very cold week!

Lunch recess - relax

Congrats to all of the Reindeer Games participants! We will be serving you lunch today at 12:26 in Science Lab #1.

FLEX sign up for tomorrow - Grade 9 block 1 or 2, grade 7 block 3 or 4, grade 8 lunch or later.  All grades will sign up this time, yearbook kids please choose alternate support for block 3.  LipDub kids choose alternate support for block 4.