Any grade 9 students interested in Interior Design in Option A. Please email Mr. Helgren or drop by the office and give your name.
-The final grade 9 Badminton try-outs for grade 9 boys is today after school. Please see the list on the athletic board if you need to attend.
-The first grade 7 badminton practice will be tomorrow morning at 7:10am.
This morning we welcome our school board to the school. From 9 until 10:30 our Superintendent and school trustees will be given a tour of the school and may pop into your class to see what exciting things are going on.
All basketball players - please come to the gym at 12:26 with your uniform on. We will take pictures first and then eat!
FLEX sign up tomorrow - grade 7 block 1 or 2, grade 9 block 3 or 4 and grade 8 lunch or later. French Immersion students will not sign up as they will be participating in Carnaval.