Final badminton try-out for grade 7’s is tomorrow at 7:10am. Please check the list on the athletic board to see if you need to attend.
Mme Stanley’s 8D ELA class go to M. Morin’s class block 1 for ELA.
Mme Stanley’s 8E class go to Room 116 to Skype with our Friends in France.
Student Gathering - 7ABC
GSa will meet today in room 109 at 12:26. Bring your lunch.
Attention - Jasper Ski Trip participants - there will be a very important trip meeting on Wed. at 12:45 in Mrs. Nessel’s room - rm 102 for all students that are attending. Please come as soon as the eating period is over.
District boys and junior boys basketball teams both have practice today at 4:30pm.
Junior girls basketball practice at 1230. Please be there quickly.