Friday, 11 May 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012 - Day 2

  • Reminder to all students that cell phones are NOT to be used in the school building between the hours of 8:15am to 3:15pm.  Students who must have cell phones at school for use outside of times indicated are required to place their phones in their lockers.

  • Any grade  8 students who are interested in having their favourite memory of JE filmed for the Grade 8 Farewell, and have not yet done so, please see Mr. Slade in room 109 at 12:00.

  • If you are an elementary student who has been coming to Track practices, but has not received the permission form, please see Mme McCallion.  Forms are due no later than Monday.

  • Elementary boys’ high jump tryouts will take place Monday at noon.

  • Anyone interested in running the Ring Road, please meet in the front foyer today after school.

  • Registration and option forms are due.