- All Jr. High track and field forms and fees must be handed in to Mr. Mistol ASAP.
- JH Track today at noon: Girls: Triple jump and discus, Boys: Long Jump, Triple Jump and Discus. It is very important that you come at noon as this will be your last chance to qualify for these events. Please remember to see your PE teacher if you are unsure if you are eligible.
- Elementary track at noon today in the gym.
- Today is the last chess lesson for the year.
- Guitar club today after school!
- The audition date for anyone singing is today THURSDAY, MAY 24th.All other acts that have not auditioned yet tomorrow FRIDAY, MAY 25TH.Come to the music room at 12 noon with your lunch. Please make sure you are prepared for your audition by bringing any music, props or recordings that you may need.
- Hot lunch today - Wok Box