Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - Day 2

  • Elementary track practice today at noon in the gym.

  • All BHA students will go out for recess at noon and will meet in the front foyer at 1pm. 

  • Talent Show auditions start today at 12 noon! Please listen carefully for your audition date;

    The audition date for anyone playing an instrument is TODAY!

    The audition date for anyone singing is tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23RD AND THURSDAY, MAY 24th. Please remember to bring music

    All other acts are FRIDAY, MAY 25TH.

    If you are signed up to audition, please come to the music room at 12 noon with your lunch. Please also make sure you are prepared for your audition by bringing any music, props or recordings that you may need.

  • Parent council meeting for tonight has been rescheduled to June 5th at 7:30 pm

  • In the past two weeks we have had several cases of Pink Eye reported – This is a reminder to all Students to be diligent with your hand washing and be sure to use the hand sanitizers in the classrooms and hallways to help stop the spreading the germs.

  • A HUGE congratulations to the Junior High Ottawa Band for their excellent performance last week at Musicfest Nationals. They were given a ranking of GOLD by one judge and SILVER by the two other judges. This earned the band an overall ranking of SILVER, which means an exceedingly high level of performance. Congrats again and great job by all!

  • Thanks to all that helped with the activities Thursday afternoon.  Great Job!

  • Fear Factor group for Gr. 7 boys will meet today at 12:20 in Rm. 105.