Wednesday, 5 December 2012

If you participate in Noon hour music practices please listen carefully as the schedule has changed this week;
Today– Grade 5 Choir@ 12:10
Tomorrow – Grade 4 Choir@ 12:10
Friday – Grade 6,7 &8 Choir@ 12:10
French immersion band students are reminded to come to the band room today during period 5 & 8 for your combined Christmas concert practice.
SPARK will be cancelled for both today and tomorrow.
Mini basketball, grade 6 and all invited girls have their final tryout today at lunch. Thanks for coming out and Good Luck to you all. The team roster will be posted tomorrow morning.
Premier Girls Basketball team will have practice today after school. Please note start time is 2:45 until 4:30.
Code Club is cancelled today and Thursday due to Staff Meeting and Parent/Teacher Interviews.
District Boys Volleyball – your year end party is tomorrow at lunch in the Home Ec room.
Premier boys basketball tryouts continue with a new time – Thursday at noon.  (Please repeat).  The final tryout will be on Friday after school.
All swimming forms must be in to Madame Stewart today, or you cannot go to the pool for option B.
Christmas Elves collecting personal hygiene items and non perishable food items.