Thursday, 13 December 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

District boys basketball try-outs are today at noon!  Please see the list outside of the gym to see if you have been invited back to try out.  Bring your lunches to the gym.
Mini girls basketball team will tentatively have a practice tomorrow after school from 3:15 until 4:30.  This will be confirmed in tomorrow’s morning announcements.
District Girls VOLLEYBALL team will have a brief meeting at morning break in the front foyer.
Mme Stewart’s period 7 phys ed class we will be at the BRAC today.
The Leadership group will once again be selling candygrams for 25 cents at 12:10 by room 101
Noon hour music practices are as follows for the rest of this week;
Grade 4 Choir today
Jazz Band tomorrow

The only noon hour practice next week will be a COMBINED choir practice on Monday. Choir members are asked to write this in their agendas as this is the final practice before the concert on Tuesday night.  Once again, there will be a COMBINED practice on Monday for ALL choir members in Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as a final preparation for the concert on Tuesday, Dec. 18th.

Mrs. Baron still has white and chocolate milk for sale. Please see her if you are interested as they are now selling $1 for a small and $2 for a large
Tonight at 6pm and 7:15pm, our Grade 4 & 5 classes will be presenting their Christmas musical. Good luck to all the students and Mr. McNamara who will be performing. Students are reminded to be back at the school by 5:45 pm to head to their homeroom classes. Please remember to bring a snack and water bottle for in between your performances. 
Grade 4 & 5 Teachers are reminded of our final dress rehearsal today after 1st recess. Please bring your students to the gym for the start of period 4.
All band members are reminded to get their December Theory and Practice completed, signed and handed in by next Friday, Dec. 23rd. If you are leaving school early for Christmas vacation, please be sure to hand it in before you go.
Classes 6E and 6F will be visiting Beau Meadow School this afternoon
Planning is underway for this year’s Speech Arts competition to be held April 8th – April 15th, 2013. Students who are interested in participating can pick up a parent permission form from Mme Marshall’s classroom (room 116). Permission forms MUST be returned no later than Wednesday, December 19th – no exceptions.
If you would like to purchase a badminton racquet please see Mr. Mistol.