Parent Teachers interviews are today and Thursday.
The 7AD and the 7/8 split class boys will be in the gym for PE today. Do not go to the arena.
Any Term 1 soapstone students must come to pick up anything they have left in Mrs. Duru’s room. Anyone who is not finished their project can come at lunch time Wednesday-Friday to finish.
If you participate in Noon hour music practices please listen carefully as the schedule has changed this week;
Today – open band practice @ 12:10
Wednesday – Grade 5 Choir@ 12:10
Thursday – Grade 4 Choir@ 12:10
Friday – Grade 6,7 &8 Choir@ 12:10
Band members that have a Whistler trip payment are asked to get it to Mrs. Baron today please. Thanks to all the students who got their payment handed in on time yesterday!
Band members are also reminded to pick up their cookie dough and Mundare sausage order after school today. Your order can be picked up in the library classroom anytime after school until 7pm.
November Theory and Practice was due last Friday for all grade 6, 7 & 8 band members. If you forgot to hand it in, please do so as soon as possible!
Speakers from the Christmas musical are reminded of their practice tomorrow morning at 7:45am. Practice needs to start at 7:45, so please arrive at the school by 7:35.
All teachers are reminded to please check their emails for Christmas musical practices coming up this week and next.
French immersion band members are reminded of their combined practices tomorrow during period 5 & 8. Please remember to bring your instruments to school as this is not your normal band day.
There are some extra white and chocolate milk available to buy from Mrs. Baron. $1.50 for small & $2.50 for a large. See Mrs. Baron at break or noon hour if you are interested.
Mrs. Tonita’s grade 5 Religion students please meet in Mme Lapointe’s room 124 at 10:40 this morning, ready to go to the Church. You will be walking with the other grade 5 students and with Mr. Helgren.
District Boys Volleyball – your year end party has been moved to Thursday at lunch in the Home Ec Room.
Wednesday and Thursday Code Club is cancelled this week.
Spelling bee semi finals for grade 4s today. Thursday will be grade 5s and Friday will be grade 6s.
Grade 8’s are attending “A Christmas Carol”
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.