Pink Shirt day today. Homeroom
teachers please be advised that students will be coming around to pass out
the Pink Shirt Day bracelets this morning.
Congratulations goes out to the district boys basketball team on their win
against Leduc Jr. High last night.
Premier girls
basketball practice at noon today.
Premier boys
basketball practice after school today.
Noon hour music room practices are as follows;
– Open band practice & Music Festival practice for those who signed up
–Choir part two & Music Festival practice for those who signed up
If you are playing a solo, duet or small group
in the Leduc Music Festival, sign up sheets for this week and some of next
week are posted in the music room. Please come at first recess or at lunch to
sign yourself up for a time.
New sign up sheets will be going up every week, so please
be sure to check in and sign yourself up for an individual practice time.
Starting next Wednesday,
March 6th, the Grade 7 & 8 students in the Whistler band will
be having noon hour practices. Please come to the music room at 12:10 for a
30 minute practice. Bring your lunch as you will play first, then eat.
Term 1
& 2 Home Ec. students ~ Please remember to pick up your marked projects
this week during morning break, lunch, or afterschool. Any projects left
after Friday will be discarded as we need the room for current students to
complete their work.
Jasper ski trip, 6 spots must be
filled by Thursday or the trip will be cancelled. If you are planning on
going please see Mrs. Nessel as soon as possible.
All girls from the Titanium Girls
Group come down to Miss Fedor’s room (rm 101) right after announcements
Reminder to Mme Stewarts Option C students to
get dressed and grab equipment from rm 110 IMMEDIATELY after the period 2
District Girls basketball – Important
meeting in rm 103 at 12:30 today.
Code Club is today after school.
Grade 5/6 girls floor hockey practice
on the other side of the gym at noon today.
Jr. High boys
badminton try-outs are tomorrow morning at 7:15am. Please check the list on the athletic board
to see who has been invited back.
is Booster Juice.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.