Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Reminder that there is no Rabbit Hill Ski club tonight. The next trip to Rabbit Hill is next Tuesday.
The deadline to sign up for the Jasper Ski trip is quickly approaching. We need to fill 12 more seats to go, so if you are planning on going please bring your money and form into Mrs. Nessel as soon as possible.
Girls Badminton try-outs will be on Thursday morning @ 7:15am
Boys Badminton try-outs will be on Friday morning @7:15am
Grade 5/6 girls floor hockey intramurals are today at noon hour.  Please check the athletic board to see which team you are on.
District girls meeting in room 103  @ 10:40am.
District boys meeting in the gym @ 10:40am.
Grade 7BC PE boys are in the gym today.
Good luck to our elementary students who will be participating in the Edmonton Journal Games this afternoon.  Students please meet in Mme McCallion’s room at 12:10 with your lunches. Do not go out for recess please.
A reminder for all Premier Boys Basketball players that you have a practice at 3:30 today.  Please see Mr. Slade at the 10:40 break.
Music room practice schedule is the following for this week;
Today – Choir - part one only @ 12:10
Tomorrow – Open for band practice all lunch hour
Thursday – Choir – part 2 only @ 12:10
Friday- Jazz band @ 12:13
Whistler trip band members are reminded to hand in their fundraising package tomorrow. Be sure to include your order forms and payment please.
Sign up sheets will be available for any band students performing solos, duets or quartets at the Leduc Music Festival starting sometime this week. Please check with Mrs. Baron tomorrow or Wednesday to sign up for a time to practice.
Code Club is tomorrow after school.