Thursday, 18 April 2013

Good luck to our badminton team!  They will be competing at the LDAA North Playdowns in Devon this Saturday.
There is a very important Badminton meeting in the gym at noon!
Final Call for those Elementary students interested in the Beaumont Cup.  Get your permission slips to Mr. Mistol today.
Grade 7/8 students!
Sports Performance Club begins next week with Mlle Hennig
Get moving and learn cool new fitness moves to enhance your favorite physical fitness. You don’t have to play a team sport to benefit from this training!
 Activities include:
Cardio Intervals/Sprints, Bodyweight Movements, Gymnastics and,Plyometrics
 Meet in the gym with you gym clothes at 7:30am Tuesday/Thursday this week
Just a reminder to all Dance Option girls that we are meeting in the front foyer at 12:10 to leave for the festival. Please make sure that you have eaten and that all your stuff is ready to go
Busses 34, 33, 71, 31 always in the front of the line-up directly behind the Ken Nichol Centre/ walk on the door-side of the busses rather than through the centre of the lot
There is a Whistler Jazz Band practice today at 12:10.  Bring your lunch as you will play first, then eat