Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Junior boys and girls badminton practice is today at noon.
Intermediate boys and girls next practice is Thursday at noon.
This is a reminder that the following combined band practices for Grade 6, 7, & 8 are happening this week as well;
– Grade 7 band goes to the 7/8 Immersion band class during period 6
– Grade 8 band goes to the 7/8 Immersion band class during period 7
-         Grade 6 bands combine period 3 & 4
Please make a note of these practices so that your instrument is at school. Some of these classes are not on your regular band class days, so write it in your agenda or on your classroom whiteboard please.
No Code Club today due to early dismissal.
All elementary girls who have signed up for Klondike Relays who are interested in ball throw, please come to the gym during the first recess.
Lunch hour music room practices for this week are as follows;
Today – There is a meeting & practice for all Leduc Music Festival solos,
duets and quartet group. Please bring your lunch and your instrument to the music room at 12:10.
Tomorrow– Choir for part 1 & part 2
Friday – Jazz Band
All these practices start right after the lunch bell,
so please come straight to the music room after the
12:10 bell so practice can start right away.