- Day 1
- Would the students listed on the Science Olympics team listed outside Mr. Slade’s door please meet in room 109 at 12:30 tomorrow for your first team meeting. We will also meet on Wednesday at that time!
- The “Decorate a Candy Cane” has been postponed until Wednesday at lunch time. Bring a loonie to donate to the Dansereau Meadows playground and decorate a candy cane as a reindeer!
- Despite Mr. Slade’s absence there will be a Premier Boys basketball practice after school today. Please see Mr. Mistol if you cannot attend so he can relay the message to Mr. Slade.
- Mr. Mistol’s grade 8BD PE class will be at the arena this week. The 7CF and 7AE classes will be in the gym.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.