Monday, 16 December 2013

  • Day 1
  • Would the students listed on the Science Olympics team listed outside Mr. Slade’s door please meet in room 109 at 12:30 tomorrow for your first team meeting.  We will also meet on Wednesday at that time!
  • The “Decorate a Candy Cane” has been postponed until Wednesday at lunch time.  Bring a loonie to donate to the Dansereau Meadows playground and decorate a candy cane as a reindeer!
  • Despite Mr. Slade’s absence there will be a Premier Boys basketball practice after school today.  Please see Mr. Mistol if you cannot attend so he can relay the message to Mr. Slade.
  • Mr. Mistol’s grade 8BD PE class will be at the arena this week.  The 7CF and 7AE classes will be in the gym.