Tuesday, 3 December 2013

  • Music room practices this week are as follows;
    Today - Choir
    Tomorrow - jazz band
    Thursday- Choir
    Friday - SNOW BIZ practice for speakers
  • Junior High Band members are reminded to hand in their fundraiser Mundare and Cookie Dough orders with payment by tomorrow. Lates cannot be accepted, so please remember to hand yours in to Mrs. Baron by the end of the day tomorrow.
  • Junior High band members are also reminded to bring their Treasure Chest items to school by this Friday.
  • Anyone who ordered items from the Scholastic Book Fair and has not picked them up yet please stop by and see Mrs. Forest in the library.
  • Premier boys basketball tryouts continue on Thursday after school.  
  • Sorry DIY Club, today is cancelled due to weather and Wednesday is cancelled due to staff meeting.
  • Last Chance! If you are interested in participating in the Speech Arts portion of the Leduc Rotary Music Festival, today is your last chance to pick up a parent information and permission letter. Payment and form are due tomorrow in Mme Marshall’s classroom, Room 104 - No exceptions.
    Poem selection will be this Thursday and Friday at lunch - 12:10 - 12:50.
  • There are a few Dieleman fundraising orders that were not picked up during PT interviews. Please drop by the office or call to arrange pick up.