Wednesday, 4 December 2013

  • Premier Girls basketball final tryouts today at 12:10.  See the list outside of the gym to see if you are eligible.
  • Premier boys basketball tryouts continue tomorrow after school.  If you are interested and are yet to come out, tomorrow is your last opportunity before the first cut is made.
  • District boys basketball try-outs will be tomorrow at 12:10pm.  All grade 6 and 7 students interested must come out.
  • Mini basketball try-outs will begin soon!  Please sign up on the athletic board outside of the gym if interested.
  • The Gr. 4-5 BHA students will be leaving for the arena at 12:40pm today.  Due to early dismissal, we will be on the ice at 1pm.

  • Music room practices this week are as follows;
  • Today - Jazz Band
    Tomorrow - Choir
  • Junior High Band members are reminded to hand in their fundraiser Mundare and Cookie Dough orders with payment today. Lates cannot be accepted, so please remember to hand yours in to Mrs. Baron by the end of the day.
  • Junior High band members are also reminded to bring their Treasure Chest items to school by this Friday.
  • Candy canes will be for sale during Friday lunch hour in room 109.
  • DIY Club is cancelled today due to early dismissal.
  • Bake sale tomorrow!
  • Today is the absolute last day that any art 7 or Home ec assignments- projects or theory packages- can be turned in for marks. If you have a partially completed project please talk to Mrs. Nessel before the end of the day. 
  • Speech arts forms and payments are due today - no exceptions. Please bring your forms and payments to Mme Marshall’s classroom (room 104) today. Poem selection begins tomorrow at lunch break (12:10 - 12:50).