District girls’ basketball practice tomorrow after school. Tuesday, January 20th at 3:15 pm - we will be sharing the gym with the Premier girls.
A huge congratulations goes out to the Mini Boys basketball team for winning the district tournament this weekend. The boys defeated Coloniale 17-6 in the final to win gold. Great job boys!
STEM Club information meeting is today at 12:25. If you came to the first, come again. If you didn’t, come today!
The Jasper ski trip is almost full, so if you are planning on coming please get your form and payment in as soon as possible. The Rabbit Hill ski club is filling up fast too, so don’t delay on registering and paying. Remember you ARE NOT registered until you have paid AND have given your form to Mrs. Nessel.
Journal Games practices will begin tomorrow at lunch.
Debate club will meet tomorrow in room 105 at 12:05 pm. Bring your lunch.