Grade 8 Intramurals
Reminder: District girls play Leduc Jr. High at JEL tomorrow after school.
8F - Head directly to the library computers for ELA today and tomorrow.
There will be no homework support today.
Band students are reminded that tomorrow is the last day to hand in December practice.
Tomorrow at noon is open band practice
We are looking for 2 scorekeepers for today’s district boys basketball game after school. If you are interested, please see Mr. Mistol.
Badminton racquet's and grips are now for sale. Please see Mr. Mistol for more information.
SWAT students who will be going to Bellevue, please meet in room 122 today at lunch.
Jr. HIgh band members are reminded to hand in their blue letter for the possible band trip this spring. If the forms don’t come in, the planning cannot go ahead, so please get it to Mrs. Baron by tomorrow please
Pokemon Club is running today at 12:05 in the TEch Ed Room.