Wednesday, 7 January 2015

JE Lapointe’s Rabbit Hill Ski Club registration forms will be placed in the pockets on the bulletin board just outside of Ms Gervais’ office. Listen to the announcements for when the pockets will go up.  We will be going 5 - Monday nights in February and March. The club is open to all students and registration is taken on a first come first served basis. If you have questions please see Mrs. Nessel in the Home ec room.

Just a reminder that there is NO district boys practice today after school.  Mini boys you WILL have a practice today after school.

The Student Wellness Action Team (SWAT) will meet today at lunch in room 122

Band members are reminded that December practice sheets are now due. Please get yours signed and handed in before the end of the month

There are still a few Active living students that have not returned their permission forms to Mrs. Baron. Please get those in as soon as possible.

All music room practices, along with choir and jazz band, will continue next week.

Pokemon Club is tomorrow after school in the TEch Ed room.