Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Flex - reminder you need to be signed up by the end of the day today.

It is important for all students to look carefully at the session descriptions before signing up to determine the length of sessions as well as how many they are allowed to sign up for.  All of the students who signed up for multiple sessions of badminton have been removed and will not be eligible to participate in badminton this week.  You have been assigned to core support classes instead.

French Immersion teachers, please remind students to only sign up for FLEX for 2 of the 3 periods (Voilà Learning presentation)

If there are other students that are NOT signed up for badminton that are interested in taking it block 3 or 4 please see Mrs. Dorash during the break this morning.

If there are any other grade 7 students interested in taking Foods block 3,4,5 please see Mrs. Dorash during the break this morning.

Senior Boys Basketball Practice - Today at 3:10

The class threads order for sewing kits is being placed today. If you want to order a sewing kit please bring Mrs. Nessel your money and order form today. If you forgot it is very important that you talk to Mrs. Nessel today.

Premier Boys Basketball - the final roster has been posted.  The first practice will be on Thursday at 3:10.

Student Lounge - 7CD at 12:34

Pizza Tuesday - 2 bucks a slice!

There are quite a few chocolate milk left over from yesterday, so they will be sold again today for $1

The choir is reminded of their practice today at 12:14. This practice is to prepare for the concert tomorrow, so please remember to come.

Jr and Sr Jazz band is postponed until next week due to Mrs. Baron’s busy Christmas concert week. Friday will be open band practice.

Band members are reminded to hand in November practice by Dec. 15th. Band members are also reminded that mundare and cookie dough pickup is tonight from 3 - 6pm. Students are reminded that the school cannot store your orders overnight, so be sure to pick up after school please

The band and choir Christmas concert is tomorrow night from 7-8pm. Performers are to be here by 6:15pm dressed in Christmas colours...black, white, red or green. Doors open for parents at 6:30pm. Concert starts at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend!

The Dec. 16th Discover Scuba students are reminded that they must return their medical questionnaire forms to Mrs. Baron by Friday. This is very important because if you don’t return your form, you don’t dive.