If you are interested in Speech Arts there will be a meeting on Wed. at 12:15 in room 107. Mrs. Colquhoun will be there with her collection of books and to help you choose your selections.
If you signed up for Yearbook in Flex this week, please see Mrs. Kay at lunch to tell her what you would specifically like to work on this week.
There is no SWAT this week. We will meet again following the Christmas break.
Thursday is Everything Christmas Day… Christmas sweaters, hats, socks, PJs and undies… Let’s celebrate the season!
Senior Boys Basketball Practice - Tomorrow at 3:10. Bring your jerseys
The choir is reminded to come to the music room at 12:14 to eat your lunch. Please bring your coat, as the bus will be leaving for your performance at 12:30. Teachers, please see the emailed updated list of who is attending.
Chocolate milk will be for sale over the lunch hour again today. Any band students that are interested in selling the milk are asked to come to the music room at 12:14 to help out.
Music room practices are cancelled this week. They will resume in January.
Band members are reminded that November practice is due by tomorrow.
Student Lounge - 8CD
Reminder for the Premier Boys basketball team that our first morning practice is tomorrow at 7:00AM. Be here at 6:50.
Science Olympians, we are still waiting to hear from the Olympic Committee...be patient.
Senior girls practice today 3:10
Reminder to sign up for FLEX - pay careful attention to sessions that run for more than one block.
Pizza Tuesday!!!
The Christmas Elves donations are being picked up this morning at 9:00.
On a further note, we have a winner for the Christmas Elves Competition. With a total of over 2800 points, Mr. Morin’s 8E class has crushed the competition.
Purdy’s orders are in please pick up in M.Morin’s room 124 by Thursday.