Purdy's orders are in and available for pick up.
Student Lounge - 8AB
Attention choir members: There will be a practice today to prepare for our performance on Monday. Please come to the band room at 12:14 with your lunch.
Discover scuba forms are due today. Please see Mrs. Baron at the morning break with your form. Do NOT leave them on her desk, as they need to be checked.
One more reminder that November practice is due by Dec. 15th from all band members. Please get yours signed and handed in by then.
Would homeroom teachers please take a minute to ensure your paper and can recycle bin are clearly marked with black sharpie? This will hopefully help the option class get the bins back to the correct class this morning.
Students are also reminded of a couple things….please empty your juice and drink containers before putting into the classroom green bin.
Please also do not use the recycle bins in the hallway for garbage and paper recycling. The green bins hanging in the hallways are for drink container recycling only.
Senior Boys Basketball Practice - Today at 3:10