Friday, 8 January 2016

FLEX will be open at 3:45 today.  Please look over the session descriptions and sign up carefully. Remember the sooner you sign up the better chance you have of getting the sessions you want.

Would all Science Olympians please select Science for at least period 3 and maybe period 4 when planning for FLEX.  We need this time to plan!

Premier Boys basketball players have a practice at noon today.

QSA (Queer Straight Alliance) will have its first meeting on Tuesday in the Student Lounge during lunch. Everyone is welcome!

Interested in planning Theme Days and fun events… we are looking for your ideas. SWAT meets Thursdays at lunch in room 122. Bring your lunch.

SPARKS is today in room 105… students are invited to join Crystal for lunch,play games and have some fun.

Student Lounge - 8CD
Music room practices next week are...
Monday - open band practice
Tuesday - choir
Wednesday - Sr. Jazz @ 7:30am
Thursday - Jr. jazz @ 7:30am
Friday - open band practice
New members are welcome for Choir and Jazz Band

Anyone interested in going Scuba Diving during FLEX on Feb. 24th should see Mrs. Baron for a permission form. There are 15 spots left

Band practice for December is now due.

Anyone playing a solo, duet, trio or quartet at the Leduc Music Festival is asked to confirm your participation with Mrs. Baron today during the lunch hour. It is very important that you remember
to come, as you need to pick up registration information to take home to your parents.

Mundare Sausage and Perogies! Help get a grade 9 Kid to the mountains. Orders in to M. Morin by the 26 Jan. Delivery date 2nd of Feb just in time for the Superbowl!

Premier Girls Basketball Team--please meet in Mlle Lawrence’s classroom today at morning break.

Any of the senior boys volleyball team members who did not get a permission form from Mrs. Duru yesterday, please go to room 114 at break.

Rabbit Hill Ski Club - forms  posted outside staffroom door