Student Lounge - 7DEF
9BD (girls), 9AE, 9CF, 8BC and 7BF boys will all be on the ice for PE today.
Grade 7 and 9 practice at recess today.
Parent teacher interviews are Wed., Jan. 27. Parents can log onto to register
The music room will be open tomorrow for open band practice and for those that need help.
Band members are reminded that December practice sheets are due by next Friday.
Any students interested in going scuba diving during FLEX on Feb. 24th should return their permission forms to Mrs. Baron as soon as possible, please. There are just 8 spots left
There are still many festival solo, duet and trio groups that have not officially signed up to play. If you intend on performing, it is up to you and your parents to do this online. The deadline to register is tomorrow!
Good luck to the premier boys and girls basketball teams on their games against CTK today! Come cheer them on.